November 1, 2010

Tarlier plug-ins: Clamp, UVPass, PPass2Mass

AEScripts has 3 new plugins from the busy François Tarlier (see previous AEP reports):

  • ft-Clamp (clamps specified colors values)
  • ft-UVPass (re-texture objects with UV pass” or ST map)
  • PPass2Mass (generates mattes from 3D Point Passes, functionality previously only available in Nuke)
Update: Francois has a few more words on PPass2Mass (render an Object P Pass) and points to a District 9 demo of Nuke. There should be more on the others filters soon.

For more on UV maps, see the article by Lutz Albrecht on Adobe Developer Connection,Integrating 3D applications with After Effects – Part 1: Working with UV data. More background and links are in Youveelizer filter for UV mapping in After Effects and in the AE Help doc Importing and using 3D files from other application. There is a video tutorial but it covers Fusion for the 2d -- How to use UV Passes in 2D by Kert Gartner.

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