November 1, 2010

Andrew Yang's plug-ins now on AEScripts

Andrew Yang's Pixel Bender plug-ins are now available on AEScripts. These were noted previously in AndrewYY's Pixel Bender plug-ins:

  • BitExtender (turns 8 bpc footage into 32 bpc footage, and lets you easily tweak results)
  • UVmapper (add or replace textures or reflections on 3D renders by using a UV or Normal map)
  • Ramp+, a more full-featured gradient filter [demo added later]
  • MorphShake (stretches the edges of layer to fill in empty spaces)
  • MagicKey (powerful keyer minus the complicated settings, designed for explosions, blood, muzzle flares, etc)

Update: For more on UV maps, see the article by Lutz Albrecht on Adobe Developer Connection,Integrating 3D applications with After Effects – Part 1: Working with UV data. More background and links are in Youveelizer filter for UV mapping in After Effects and in the AE Help doc Importing and using 3D files from other application. There is a video tutorial but it covers Fusion for the 2d -- How to use UV Passes in 2D by Kert Gartner.

Update 2: @nickvegas notes this; but wait there's more,

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