October 3, 2010

Kick-start AE projects with presets

Andrew Devis has an After Effects tutorial video on how to Kick-start your projects with AE presets at Creative Cow. He shows a bit how to edit them and how to combine the animate In and animate Out Text presets.

Another CS5 tutorial on presets by Chad Perkins (below) looks more at the Behaviors presets. Chris and Trish Meyer shared a PDF selection on animation presets (including behaviors and text presets) from their book Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects. See also John Dickinson's 2-part overview (1 + 2) of text animation presets on Motionworks.

For more tutorials and resources on presets (Adobe gallery), see AE presets & projects round-up, After Effects presets & templates burgeoning (on the new preset networks), AEP posts labelled presets or Animation Preset, and of course AE Help's page Animation presets overview and resources.

Note: Don't forget that presets, tutorials, and templates are just a starting point! See "Your weakness is your strength" for community discussion on this point.

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