June 30, 2010

Screenfonts: movie typography + Making of a 'Hello Brooklyn' video

Motionworks tweeted about Screenfonts (from The Font Feed), a monthly commentary on the use of fonts in movie poster design, music video and more.

It's a welcome addition to other observed efforts, including various Topher Welsh roundups of motion type on AETuts, the Motion Design Love series Nice Type Tuesday, the Typography Gallery at Motionspire, and Type Tuesday by Brad Chmielewski. See also Four techniques for combining fonts + type videos.

In a recent post on a video made to a remix of Jay-Z’s Hello Brooklyn, Screenfonts author Yves Peters noted that beyond the background on the precursor to Helvetica:

"What’s really interesting is that the author of the music promo also posted a Making Of… video, showing how still images were treated with the Vanishing Point feature in Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects, to create the illusion of motion and depth. The end result is very impressive."

Making of "Hello Brooklyn" Video from Gregory Solenström on Vimeo.

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