October 4, 2009

'Video Updates' from Videocopilot

Andrew Kramer is now hosting some "video updates," and in the second of the series he talks about a new Canon camera and adds an AE tip on covering a wipe transition with an element in the video. That's a technique that Kevin Monahan has been teaching in Final Cut for awhile and which is now easier because of the new Alpha Transition effect in FCP 7.

You can check out latest Videocopilot download at Video Update: Canon 7D, AE Tips & Leeches, and note the simple but effective lighting demonstrated by Kramer by switching his overhead light on (go to 8:45 of the video). You might also look at Strobist tips to improve webcam's picture quality (and sound proofing tips from Chris Meyer) posted earlier in Lifehacker webcam tips.

Update: GeniusDV reminds us that you have to download the Alpha Transition in Using the New Alpha Transitions in Final Cut Pro 7 (there's several hundred MB of other stuff too).

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