October 4, 2009

Unplugged 8: Peder Norrby of Trapcode

Motionworks interview Unplugged 8 features Peder Norrby of Trapcode:

"...Peder reveals how this passion lead him to create arguably the most popular plug-ins for Adobe After Effects in the world today, including Shine, Particular and Form. Peder also reveals where the ideas for many of these plug-ins evolved and speaks honestly about his influence on the motion graphics industry today and the pressures that come with success."

One piece that surprised Peder was made with Trapcode Form by Wes Kandel, and later explained in War! Or How to Create a 3D Particle Generated Video Display. War is one of the many cool animations found in the Trapcode Gallery:

War from Wesley Kandel on Vimeo.

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