June 28, 2009

New AE training on Lynda.com

There seems to be new AE training on Lynda.com.

After Effects: Insight into Effects was created and produced by Trish and Chris Meyer. At least part of this seems to have been released a bit earlier, although the tutorials on the Channel filter group may be new. See the previous AEP post Insight into (Blur) Effects for a fuller description.

In the other dated-new title, After Effects CS4 Beyond the Basics, Chad Perkins takes 8 hours to explore techniques for working with motion graphic elements, animation, compositing, color correction, and much more. He provides tips for working more efficiently, using advanced effects, detailed masking and tracking techniques, and expressions. Integrating Photoshop into the After Effects workflow and The Principles of Animation are also highlighted.


  1. I heard Lynda.com was weak compared to other places to learn.
    Does anyone have any other recommendations or evaluations?

  2. It depends what level you're working at. Similar things have been said about Creative Cow, yet they have plenty of good free tuts and DVDs for all levels.

    At Lynda.com, Chad teaches basic; Chris & Trish Meyer nail details.

    Lynda.com is inexpensive, and there's plenty around for free -- see the links at the 'AE training & tutorials' sidebar.

    It seems that http://www.fxphd.com/ has high recommendations, and if you finish the study of the AE books from Mark Christiansen and from Chris & Trish Meyer, you're done with training wheels.

  3. Ok. Well I know After Effects pretty well, what about 3-D training (mainly Cinema 4D)?

  4. I bought into Electric Image in the olden days, a costly decision, but went off in other directions.

    So I only know what I gather from:

    Ko's sidebar


    FCP editors


  5. Oh, if I were doing C4D I'd probably try to get into http://www.fxphd.com
