April 24, 2009

See Particular 2 in action with Fxguide at NAB +ToonIt 2

Fxguide has news from NAB, and their coverage of Autodesk, The Foundry (Nuke, also PVC on Nuke), RED, eyeon, and other higher end products might make you envious -- especially if you'd like more development of 3D in AE (see esp podcast #054) . More NAB news can be found via the headlines of CrispyFeeds.

The current fxguidetv video podcast, #055 is NAB2009 episode 2, which has a nice long demo of Trapcode Particular 2, a preview by The Foundry of a project that fixes material with rolling shutter, and more.

Update: FreshDV also looks at rolling shutter in an interview with a developer from the Foundry, via Discrete Cosine. And in addition to FreshDV's CrispyFeeds, The Editblog suggests also Mac Video and Mac Break for NAB video.

Update 2:
FreshDV has video demos from NAB 2009 Video - Red Giant Particular 2 and ToonIt 2.

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