April 26, 2009

Adobe NAB tidbits: TV, Story, Strobe

FreshDV has video demos of both Adobe Story and Adobe’s step to integrate Flash into TVs and set-top boxes and bring web video into living rooms. Zatz Not Funny! says "Flash on a set-top runs surprisingly well - so smooth you can’t tell the difference between it and traditional QAM video delivery." You can see for yourself at FreshDV.

Beet.TV notes other big news from Adobe -- Strobe -- the new video framework for building online video players. Of course back-end tools and the ability to play on TV could be an attractive-enough basis to create a standard. Probably not unrelated is news from NewTeeVee of the end of content syndication for downloadable media in Adobe Media Player. Hopefully Adobe will redo AMPs crippled UI to match or beat QuickTime Player, in addition developing of metadata and the backend. Here are video interviews from Beet.TV on Flash TV, Strobe, & partners:

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