November 15, 2014

Whip (swish) pans in After Effects & Premiere

re-post of some tools and tutorials

A whip or swish pan describes the motion of a fast camera move, as in following a passing train or spaceship. Because of motion blur, it's most often used to smooth transitions between abrupt cuts of shots or scenes. While this is often done in post, Adobe doesn't include dedicated tools for this effect, so here are some 3rd-party filters and tutorials you can use to construct whip pan transitions in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Read the rest in Whip (swish) pans in After Effects & Premiere at Pro Video Coalition.

Here's an example from a newer FREE tool from Red Giant Universe:

1 comment:

  1. I get this message:
    "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
