May 29, 2014

HitFilm plug-ins for NLEs and After Effects

In April, FxHome spun off most of the plug-ins from HitFilm, their affordable After Effect "clone" app, into a new product, HitFilm Plugins. With over 130 plug-ins for visual effects, compositing, and color grading, the package supports After Effects, Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, and Apple Motion on two computers for all hosts on Mac and Windows.

Oddly enough, HitFilm Plugins are more expensive than the much fuller-featured HitFilm Ultimate app, which itself causes some to wonder Is it the new “Production Premium”?. As for the plug-ins, you'll have to download the free trial to see for yourself if enough of the package is unique for you and how it might fit in your workflow. 

If you're not invested in After Effects plug-ins already, and looking for a fun & broadly capable package that's relatively inexpensive, check out the resource guide HitFilm plug-ins for NLEs and After Effects on PVC.

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