October 10, 2012

Last week in After Effects

... features sync to beats, son of Ken Burns, roto, 3D, Production Premium, and more from the last week or so of assorted After Effects tutorials, tips, and scripts & plug-ins new and old.

Among news of note is Beat Assistant from Mamoworld, a new tool from AE Scripts that detects “the bpm (beats per minute) of wav, mp3 and aif files and use it to generate markers or keyframes and to stagger layers.”


  1. Hi,

    thanks for oyu updates in your feeds.
    But leeme ask, why you just call your entries, "Recently in Ae" and After Effects lately"?

    Okay, you started putting a hash #1,2,4 and so on, to identyfy the latest entries, but i don't understand this approach, especially if you're updating with only on new topic.

  2. Do you have any suggestions?

    Sometimes I miss a week or 3! So "Last Week" wouldn't make sense. I could just number them, but that seemed boring, even after I ran out of phrases.
