March 14, 2011

Export After Effects to iPhone, HTML5 + sneak peeks

Sebastian Perier notes Export After Effects to iPhone and HTML5 by, who used Sebastian's XML Gibson from AE Scripts. That script allows you to export your composition to XML files with more parameters than After Effects saves of projects. The solution was to "animate in AE, then export to XML [instead of compiled .ipa like Flash exports], then build both an HTML5 web app... and an iPhone app that can read that XML file and animate appropriately."

Of course HTML5 is one of the general thrusts of Adobe development, as seen at Adobe Labs. Converting Adobe Flash FLA files into HTML and reach more devices is the point of "Wallaby," codename for experimental technology that converts artwork and animation contained in Flash (FLA) files into HTML. For more news of how this all might work, keep an eye on Adobe’s web pro team at SXSW in Austin this week.

Update: Adobe posted some 2011 sneak peeks on AdobeTV. Here's one:

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