February 18, 2011

CMG Hidden Gems: Masks, Stencils, Track Mattes

Chris & Trish Meyer’s series of tips, tricks, gotchas, factoids, and shortcuts continue with tips on Masking, Track Mattes, and Stencils in CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 10 – All About Masking, CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 11 – All About Track Mattes, and CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 12 – Stencils and the “T” (the Transparency switch).

For additional handy info and tutorials, see Track mattes and traveling mattes, Stencil modes, and Preserve underlying transparency in After Effects Help and The return of the Set Matte filter at AE Portal.

If you don't know already, check out the tip on hitting the Arrow keys while drawing Rounded Rect mask or Polygon/Star shapes. For some handy info, see the sections on creating and working with masks in After Effects Help, and posts tagged mask at AE Portal.

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