February 24, 2011

Behavior presets intro

Trish & Chris Meyer have a new video snippet on Behavior presets in After Effects (embedded below). An excerpt on Presets from their book Creating Motion Graphics is also available. It's refreshing to see a tutorial that tells people to double-click the preset or drag it into the comp window -- most tutorials have people drag into timeline.

Another CS5 tutorial on presets by Chad Perkins also looks at the Behaviors presets (also below).

For more tutorials and resources on presets, see AEP posts labelled presets or Animation Preset. To get under the hood quick, see Building Effects From The Ground Up from Pro Juice, which shows how to create effects like Video Copilot Twitch with just built-in filters and Wigglerama.

Behaviors | After Effects Apprentice 04: Layer Control | by Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer
View this entire After Effects course and more at lynda.com.

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