January 11, 2011

Tonight online: Boris Fx for After Effects

Motion+connect has a free live online event tonight, What's New in Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE. There's giveaways, and enough time to register.

Here's times and details:

time: 7:30 – 8:35 PM MST | 6:30 PST | 9:30 EST
url: http://motion.tv/connect
login to chat, comment, and participate in the Q&A

7:15-7:30 PM: Pre-Show: Winners of the 2010 Made with After Effects Competition
7:30-8:20 PM: Paul Ezzy: What’s New in Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE
8:20-8:30 PM: Q&A
8:30-8:35 PM: giveaways | close

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