January 19, 2011

Re-creating the 'Lost' smoke monster

Red Giant TV has a new tutorial and project by Seth Worley, Episode 52: Re-creating the Lost Smoke Monster. The tutorial features Trapcode Particular and 3D tracking with the Camera Tracker plug-in from The Foundry.

Update: BTW, @Oddernod posted some intro tips for Trapcode Particular on Twitter,
  • Been playing w Particular a TON lately - quick tips: work w lots of small particles (less than 3) at low opacity (less than 5%) set to ADD mode
  • use Glow Spheres as particle type, set to big size & feather values, & low opacity. Use motion blur set to subframe
  • crank shutter angle up & play w levels & opacity boost. Work in 32-bit Linear for some terrific glow blends
  • Study those Physics settings! Wire up a Expression Slider to Particles/sec to act as a multipler for working vs render values
  • Treat Particular like a 3D app's particle system: use Motion Preview mode to quickly design the movement, then design the look.

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