January 8, 2011

Demystifying color grading, with footage

Oliver Peters posted another set of color experiments in Demystifying Color Grading II. He shows how many different tools can be used to design interesting looks in Final Cut and Avid, and includes a ton of examples using native tools, Magic Bullet Looks, Magic Bullet Colorista II (see the recent review by LFHD), and filters from GenArts, Coremelt, BorisFX, and Noise Industries.

The cool thing is that you have access the the same source footage:

"As subject matter, I decided to play with the short film Convergence, filmed by UK Director Martin Scanlan and DoP Steve Lawes. This is one of the first video pieces produced with a pre-production model of the brand new Sony PMW-F3 camera. Scanlan was kind enough to post both the ungraded offline-edited version and the final color-graded version of Convergence on Vimeo. Further info is on their blog. They have graciously made the ungraded version available for download, so I pulled some examples from the 1920×1080 H264 file."

Oliver provides links to his other recent articles on color (see especially Color Correction Effects Demystified and Grading with Color Wheels); click the tag color to find AE Portal color-related notes.

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