November 17, 2010

Sneak peek of 3D Invigorator for After Effects +

The next version of 3D Invigorator, a plug-in for After Effects, is close to release. Zax Dow posted a sneak peek demo movie of some of the new drawing features, including:

- Bezier drawing tools
- Instant 3D object creation as you draw
- Instant holes
- Realtime interactive editing

Update: Oh, in e-mail Zax added "We should be releasing next week. Windows CS4/CS5 and Mac CS4. Mac CS5 won't be out for a couple more months."

Later Zax added, "We've done a lot of work to Invigorator's text handing.
  • It can now handle OpenType fonts in Roman and Unicode format. (sorry no LTR writing yet)
  • We've also enhanced our TrueType handling which at times created "notches" in the curves of some fonts.
  • The text window now shows you previews of all fonts and families.
  • You can type the first few letters of the font name to skip through a long list of fonts.
  • You can save font favorites. (Our font favorites are the font, size, leading, scale, baseline shift, etc. Not just the font.)
And ready for a treat? You can also edit the bezier curves of text characters without having to convert them to paths. This allows you to make texty-type changes (switch justification, change margins, etc) and any edits you've made to the curves will be preserved."

Update 2: the peeks continue in 3D Invigorator 5 Sneak Peek – Material Controls.

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