November 5, 2010

New AE plug-ins coming from Kramer & Satya

Video Copilot noted that they're working on 2 new plug-ins for After Effects, Atom and LiveCam. There's no easily accessible information on Atom (12[later released as Element 3D], but Andrew Kramer says that LiveCam (1, 2) is for adding natural camera movement and shake:

"There are a several ways to add camera shake in AE with expressions or tracking [see Realistic Camera Movement using hand held track] but our upcoming plug-in LiveCam is pretty interesting. LiveCam can even add simulated Rolling Shutter! We used it to make some HD footage look like a cell phone cam."

Satya Meka also noted that he was working on a new 3D plug-in, Plexus, which creates organic structures and networks inside AE. Here's a preview, best seen full screen:

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