November 24, 2010

CameraTracker AE 201 training series

The Foundry has released an AE 201 training series for its CameraTracker plug-in (sample below). It:

"builds on what was covered in the 101 series. Topics covered include integrating CameraTracker with Red Giant Software's Trapcode Particular to achieve light sweep particle effects in a moving camera scene, projection mapping both natively in AE and with Digieffect's Camera Mapper, and in-scene graffiti. ... There's also a french language tutorial put together by Mattias Peresini (Mattrunks) linked to from the same page."


  1. it will be way better if you watch this websites to get the feeling on how to make video tutorials,

    second equalize the sound and last script the content of the video so you don't get so many silent parts ..explain how to make the mask,really redo the hole video.I don't trying to be mean .but it really can use some improvements.

  2. Choosing what to say and editing it correctly is not so easy!

  3. Good stuff! Im very familiar with Cameratracker and Syntheyes and enjoyed the tuts. I really loved the replacement technique of creating a solid in CT then using the keyboard short cut "replace" to insert the graphics. I use this all the time in AE but never thought to use it with CT.


    I applaud your desire to make tutorials. I have followed many over the years. I find yours kind of difficult to follow. They could be improved by planning out the sequence of events and talking about EVERYHING you are doing as you do it.
    Also when you edited this together some things go skipped i.e. when you talk about making the null object that lines up with the rotoman some words and actions have been deleted and I have no idea how it was generated (by Cameratracker or just an AE null/)

    I give up. There is to much info left out of what I am seeing on screen.

  5. "I applaud your desire to make tutorials. I have followed many over the years. I find yours kind of difficult to follow. "

    These tutorials are from The Foundry, so you might direct your comments to their site or YouTube channel if you want to be sure they hear you.

  6. Thanks Rich. I did post the same comments on You Tube.
