October 9, 2010

Rotoscoping Hair: basic options

Scott Squires has some tips on Rotoscoping Hair at a new Focal Press website, Postopolis. By the way, if you roto and key hair, sometimes it's faster to duplicate the keyed hair to make it more distinct rather than brutishly mess with controls.

So far there's no overall review of roto in CS5 (with significant additions of the Rotobrush and Mocha Shape), but Mark Christiansen's new AE book on VFX & CS5 is out on Monday. For now you can find more on the basics of rotoscoping in the roundup Rotoscoping tips and other AEP posts tagged roto, in Rotoscoping introduction and resources in AE Help, and at Scott's blog Effects Corner. See also Scott Stewart on cutting the perfect matte and Stu Mashwitz on the basic of procedural matte extraction, both from the out-of-print Masters of Visual Effects:

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