October 11, 2010

Intro Javascript for AE

AEtuts posted Introduction To Writing Scripts For AE – Javascript Part 1 by Frederik Steinmetz (preview below):

"In Part 3 of this series, we’ll be learning how the Adobe Javascript Editor works and how to write a script that can be executed in After Effects. You will learn how to debug scripts and end up with just a few lines of code that will generate a cube that consists of 1.000 solids, a parent null object, a light and a camera."

See also Dan Ebberts chapter on scripting in Creating Motion Graphics With After Effects by Trish & Chris Meyer, Lloyd Alvarez's AENY presentation on AE scripting, AE CS5 Help on Scripts and Expressions -- as well as the piled-on post Expressions & Scripting Resources for After Effects and posts tagged expressions and scripting. By the way, Lloyd Alvarez has an ongoing course teaching an Introduction to After Effects Scripting at fxphd.

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