October 13, 2010

AE Studio Techniques for CS5 + scripts

After Effects CS5 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques by Mark Christiansen is out.

Studio Techniques takes a different approach from most AE books, not only by giving you 'just the facts' but by adding a task-based focus on visual effects. It complements the approaches in Creating Motion Graphics and other books, and adds 'divide and conquer' methods and practical tips to solve specific problems in After Effects. It'll be interesting to see what's new in this edition.

Update: one thing new is references to new scripts, see a list of the authors and scripts mentioned at AE Scripts.


  1. I'm very proud of Mark's comment about me in the foreword: "Todd doesn't let you get away with anything."

    That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. ;-)

  2. Weren't you also tech editor on another book released recently?

  3. Yep. I also did technical editing for the _After Effects CS5 Classroom in a Book_ and the new _Motion Graphics with Creative Suite 5: Studio Techniques_ book.
