July 13, 2010

motion.tv tonight: Flash + AE, Repousse, Boris

motion+connect has an online event tonight starting 7:30 pm MST.

Here's the a summary of the agenda; there's more detail on content and timing on the website:
  • Flash Animation with After Effects with Stanton Cruse
  • Using Repousse and 3D in Photoshop CS5 Extended, with Scott Valentine
  • Paul Ezzy presents the new filters in Boris Continuum Complete 7 for After Effects and Premiere Pro, including a 3-way color grade filter with built-in keying and masking tools, a new video noise reduction tool, a spline-based warp filter, an audio-driven keyframe generator, a new OpenGL particle engine, and still and video morph technology.
Update: motion+connect posted the presentations from their Tuesday online event (via).

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