May 5, 2010

Stitching effect with Particular in After Effects

Red Giant TV has a new After Effects tutorial video (with trigonometry supplied), Episode 41: Creating a Stitch Effect with Trapcode Particular, by Michael Park who "shows us how to create the look of denim being stitched, using Trapcode Particular. This technique can be used for a ton of other stuff as well."

Episode 41: Creating a Stitch Effect with Trapcode Particular from Red Giant Software on Vimeo.

Update: see Comments.


  1. I understand that as a part of Red Giant TV podcast, these guys are obligated to promote Red Giant plug-ins, but this effect can be created in tenth the time using a single AE shape layer. No crazy trigonometry needed either. Pretty sure it would render way faster, as well.

  2. Not really. You cant get the stitch texture using a shape layer, nor can you have animated textures. The technique is way more powerful than using shape layers. To achieve the same effect, you would have to align a texure underneath the shapelayer and then use the shape layer as an alpha or luma matte. Particular is easier and faster, assuming you know how to use it. Plus, the trig function has other uses which are not limited to trapcode products.

  3. yeah not as easy as I thought...
