May 28, 2010

Mattrunks camera and animation work for Netvibes

via @maltaannon, Mattrunks describes his camera and animation work for Netvibes Showcase in Netvibes Showcase 2010, my last achievement! (translated acceptably by Google). He leveraged Maltaannon's Single Camera Rig and the Ease and Wizz script palette, and adds a variety of tips.

Since Mattrunks very creative tutorials are only in French and under a Creative Commons license, someone might post these to Youtube to get transcribed captions in English -- though any alteration or transformation requires a license identical to the one used by Mattrunks.

There's more , including alternatives to Maltaannon's script like Sure Target (Videocopilot's free AE plug-in) and a script by Hypoly that works with Sure Targetthe Netvibes Showcase:

Netvibes Showcase from Netvibes on Vimeo.

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