April 28, 2010

XML workflow between Final Cut and Premiere CS5 + FCExpress

Joost van der Hoeven of Animotion posted a video overview of the new Premiere CS5 feature Exchange between Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro CS5.

"With CS4, Adobe added XML import capabilities in Premiere Pro. In CS5 they have now also added XML export, making basic round tripping possible between Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro [and Avid]. In this tutorial I give an overview of how to exchange projects between Adobe Premiere Pro and Apple Final Cut Pro. ... But the supported options for motion graphics are very limited."

Exact information on supported effects, transitions, composite modes, etc. for FCP exchange can be found in Premiere Pro Help. Also, feature overviews on open workflows with Final Cut and Avid software are on the main product page (Avid exchange is with AAF sequences + OMF export). Here's Joost:

Premiere Pro CS5 and Final Cut Pro Exchange from animotion on Vimeo.

Update: in a Comment below the fold, Joost also found that XML from Premiere Pro CS5 imported into Final Cut Express 4.


  1. Because of an educational project I needed a Premiere Project in Final Cut Express 4. And guess what? The XML from Premiere Pro CS5 imported into FCE 4.0.1.

  2. You can integrate Photoshop into Final Cut Pro but not to the extent you can do also in Premiere. Adobe Creative Suite 5 offers After Effects for Mac and with any editing application and probably worth the investment.
