April 2, 2010

After Effects CS5: it's faster

In Faster, After Effects product manager Michael Coleman shares a bit more on "an exciting aspect of After Effects CS5 -- it's faster. This is related to our 64-bit announcement back in October. In case you missed the announcement, After Effects CS5 will be native 64-bit. In previous posts, I've talked about the every-day advantages that CS5 has over its predecessors. When you have access to enough RAM:
  • Complex comps and high-resolution images are rendered smoothly.
  • Larger RAM previews allow you to view long comps in one pass.
  • Memory-intensive features like HDR and floating-point color are easier to use.
  • Your image caches can be much larger, which means more green bars and less re-rendering.
  • Low-memory errors are virtually eliminated."
To see if it's also bigger and stronger, read the rest at Keyframes.


  1. this could be interesting... thanks for sharing... i wonder what some interesting features do cs5 have....

  2. Hmm, must not click fat link... Much of what's publically known is posted under the CS5 tag:
