April 14, 2010

Adobe NAB 2010 presentations: Foundry plug-ins + more

Adobe is making some of their NAB 2010 presentations available. It seems a bit Flash-heavy from a distance.

Here's Jim Geduldick, After Effects artist at Offhollywood and leader of the popular AENY user group, who shows how the new features in After Effects CS5—as well as new 64-bit plug-ins from The Foundry—are being used in production (if the audio behaves). There's also Rich Harrington highlighting some of the new features for video professionals in Photoshop CS5.

1 comment:

  1. Adobe had one of the worst presentations for Adobe After Effects. This presentation showed the flaws of After Effects new Roto tool. Making the tool completely useless with an object that is dark and has a lot of reflective surfaces. The tool wasn't what ruined the presentation though, but it was the unprepared presenter that ruined it all.

    Another presenter was presenting on 2.5D/Mattepainting and it was a disaster. Unprepared....sigh.
