March 31, 2010

SplatterType: splatter animations with just a few clicks

via @hashae, Quba Michalski has a new free After Effects tutorial (+preset & project), SplatterType:

"that will allow you to create amazing ink and paint splatter animations with just a few clicks. Much like my Alphabet Soup tutorial, SplatterType relies only on After Effects text animators and does not require any additional plugins (3rd or even 1st party). Robust set of controls make it highly customizable, while the expressions work in the background to do all the hard work for you."

I had to do a double-take on Quba's post dated April 1st, but he's in Istanbul.

SplatterType Tutorial and Preset Preview from Quba Michalski on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Heheh :) I actually worked like crazy to manage to publish it on march 31st, but since I was juggling client revisions on a TVC and recording/editing the tutorial I could not make it.

    I believe it went online at quarter past midnight local time (and I did have some serious concerns whether the people will just dismiss it as an April Fool's joke).
