March 23, 2010

PhotoLooks: Magic Bullet for Photoshop

Red Giant Software has released Magic Bullet PhotoLooks and Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop.

With Magic Bullet PhotoLooks you get the same easy-to-use interface with the Quick Drawer preset library and the editable graphic image-processing chain as you do with Magic Bullet Looks in After Effects.

[Later, Jack Tunnicliffe added "More importantly you can load a huge image into PS that will fail in AE" and then designer Stu Maschwitz explained why.]

Beside the advanced UI, which is like a the parent to the Video Copilot Optical Flares interface, you can work in the standalone version and also share work with the other products. Here's Red Giant Quick Tip #2 - Sharing Looks Between Apps with Aharon Rabinowitz showing you how to share your Look presets among Photoshop, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro.

Update: Magic Bullet Looks was mentioned (spot exposure for skin tones and grad exposure to bring the exposure of the foreground or background up or down) in Into the Haiti earthquake zone – Khalid Mohtaseb covers the aftermath on 5DmkII at DSLR News Shooter.

Update 2: see also Red Giant Quick Tip #5 - From Candid Photo to Work of Art:

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