March 28, 2010

Downloads for stereo 3D at Enhanced Dimensions

Andrew Murchie of Enhanced Dimensions has added another section aimed at After Effects users to the Stereoscopic 3D downloads section of the site, including support files for various S3D tutorials plus AE 3D scenes or objects free for use in non-commercial videos.

There is a dust-up over 3D hype, covered in The Movie Studios’ Big 3D Scam at Gizmodo, Michael Bay And James Cameron Skeptical Of 3D Conversions: "The Jury Is Out" at, and Fight over 3-D screens heats up with high-pressure tactics at the LA Times, but development continues at some level even for After Effects users.

For more, see some nice intros on Gizmodo (Giz Explains and How 3D Works) and an AEP roundup, Stereoscopic 3D resources for After Effects.

Update: 5tu tweeted about a more reasonably-priced iPhone stereo 3D calculator app than RealD Pro Stereo 3D Calc -- IOD calc, which calculates the inter-ocular distance needed for each camera setup based on measurements from set.

Also, Toolfarm noted a Cineform tutorial on Muxing 2D CineForm clips for 3D "for those getting started with 3D. This explains how to take separate Left and Right eye CineForm AVI or MOVs and multiplex them into a single CineForm 3D clip."

Update 2: another angle at NewTeeVee, Is Hollywood Overestimating the Appeal of 3-D?

Update 3: also, Samsung Issues 3-D TV Warning as 3D TV may cause physical and perceptual after effects -- and that's beyond the 5 Reasons 3D TV Won't Take Off noted by The Wrap.

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