February 18, 2010

Photoshop 20th anniversary parties

Adobe has a press release on February 18 activities related to Photoshop's 20th anniversary, like these:
Also, check out The Evolution of the Photoshop Splash Screen at PhotshopNews. No doubt, John Nack will have more too; for now see his 2008 posts Happy birthday, Photoshop and Lightroom & Now showing: The original Photoshop icons.

For actual tips see Lynda.com's Photoshop Top 40 Countdown with Deke McClelland, and Russell Brown, Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider, Deke.com, Julieanne Kost, etc. Here's 2 recent tutorials from Deke and Lynda:

Note: According to CoSA, January was the 17th anniversary of the release of After Effects 1.0.

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