February 1, 2010

CS Next: "PS and AI will be great"

It looks like Adobe should give Apple's reality distortion field a closer look after some of the Twitters coming out of a recent secret Adobe video powwow. After being treated with "news" of 64-bit apps and the Mercury Playback Engine for 3rd party graphics, one Twitter, via ReTweets by oddernod and toe_fur, added, "Back from Adobe. Finally can tell you that the next version of AE is a WEAK upgrade. But PS and AI will be GREAT :("

Only time will tell, but this sorta makes sense and at least one other agrees. If new features for CS4 were meager in that porting effort for Intel Mac, then we might expect not much different for a 64-bit port to both platforms during a very down economy.

There was also a nice long thread on various related matters on FinalCutPro-L, What's Adobe up to.... . It's good for Adobe that Autodesk, The Foundry, and others don't have the interest or channel muscle to mount a challenge like ones that seem to be brewing for Flash that will hopefully restart CS refinement & innovation once the platform adjustments are finished.

Update: it's not just a marketing message problem, as even friendly comments to posts on Flash by John Nack and Kevin Lynch clearly show.

Update 2: Adobe is better than Apple at conversation though; see Lynch's response to comments on Flash performance at Adobe CTO talks Flash performance on Macs, more.

Update 3: there's a more sober report of the summit noted in Adobe Repoussé & more from Adobe Community Summit.

Update 4: Adobe has a few Notes on Flash Player stability & the future and some related posts by John Dowdell.

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