January 17, 2010

Normality will not support After Effects CS5

Stephan Minning announces that his AE filter Normality will not support After Effects CS5. It looks like his other filters may also reach end-of-life with CS5.

For background see A plug-in developer's thoughts on AE CS5 64-bit.

Update: the comments on Minning's latest post were lively, but there wasn't a cogent explanation on why "a simple software bridge" was too difficult. Perhaps support would cause too many problems.


  1. It's quite a shame of Adobe, some people use tools that were never updated for many years and now are officially "dead and buried"!

    Even if there is a performance lack, I wouldn't care instead of switching After Effects versions for some special filters since 64-Bit is surely the future.

    Again it's business against flexibility... I hope a lot of people consider switching to other platforms!

  2. The fact is that the 64-bit After Effects SDK is ready and available to any developer who wishes to join our pre-release program. After Effects engineers are available to answer questions and assist our developer community. It's our goal to make this as easy as possible.

    I hope it's clear why we've made this decision. 64-bit native is a big improvement for After Effects. Keeping both 32- and 64-bit significantly delays when we can get these advances to our customers. It also increases development costs for us and our 3rd party developers.

    In the long run, this benefits everyone. In the short term, we're committed to providing as much assistance as possible.

    Most of our 3rd party developers are already working on converting their plug-ins. Some are already done and just waiting for After Effects to be released.

    If anyone else would like info about joining our developer program or has any questions and concerns, please leave a comment at my blog. Thanks.

    Michael Coleman
    Product Manager, Adobe After Effects
