January 18, 2010

Native 64-bit After Effects plug-ins

Michael Coleman, Product Manager for After Effects, addresses a few questions and concerns in his post, Native 64-bit After Effects plug-ins:

"If there's one thing I want you to know, it's that the After Effects team is 100% committed to working with our customers and our 3rd party developers to make this transition as fast and easy as possible.

We're taking extra steps and working more closely than ever with our 3rd party developers:

First, our SDK is available much earlier than ever before. Normally we make this available when we ship. This time, the 64-bit After Effects SDK is ready and available now. Any developer who wishes to join our pre-release program can have access.

Second, updating plug-ins can be easy or hard, depending on the plug-in. We've updated all of our own plug-ins and we've provided support for every plug-in that is included in the box with After Effects. After Effects engineers are available to answer questions and assist our developer community. It's our goal to make this as easy as possible.

Third, quality counts. We can put developers in contact with customers who are able to test the new versions. We can also facilitate this process using Adobe resources.

Fourth, watch this blog and my twitter feed (@motiongfx) for the latest information about availability of 3rd party plug-ins. If you have news about plug-ins, let me know and I can pass it on to the community.

If you're a developer, please reach out to me and let me know how we can help.

If you're an After Effects user, tell your favorite plug-in makers that you're interested in having a 64-bit compatible version. Also reach out to me to tell me which plug-ins are important to you. I can follow up with help for the developers."

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