December 11, 2009

More mocha tracking & roto

A recent thread on the AE-List and an interview with Ross Shain at Motionworks reminds one that options for tracking and roto in After Effects can be a bit complicated.

While not simple, the 3rd party workflow from Imagineer Systems offers accuracy & more features, with mocha AE version 2 (version 1 was bundled with AE CS4) and a newer plug-in mocha shape for After Effects. Both are discounted this month along with many other digital media tools. Mocha for After Effects v2 adds:
  • Exports of any resolution, per-point variable edge width roto shape data in the mocha shape format
  • Allows users to export tracking data as After Effects Corner Pin with motion blur
Imagineer has quick intro videos for mocha shape and mocha AE v2, and a bunch of other AE training projects even if you aren't upgrading.

Additional functionality and ease of use is offered by an After Effects script called MochaImport (streamlining the connection to CC Power Pin and Red Giant Warp), which is available at the price you name at AE Scripts. The script's creator, Mathias Möhl, has also provided several more training videos (see especially MochaImport 2.0 - New Features), which have been mentioned in previous AEP posts on mochaAE. Also, his post Mocha and Perspective Distortion clarified some confusion over tracking perspective distortion.

Of course tracking and roto doesn't require 3rd party tools (Mocha, RE:Vision Effects PV Feather, etc.), and there's plenty of training around.

Plus there are several scripts to ease workflow issues, like TrackerViz, Tracker2Mask, and KeyTweak -- all available through AE Scripts. For an overview of appropriate uses of Mocha and the scripts, see comments (excerpts) by Mathias Möhl on his blog.

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