October 5, 2009

New AE scripts: SpellCheck & Chameleon (Kuler color themes)

SpellCheck is a new AE script from Michael Cardeiro on AEScripts.com, which "goes through the currently selected composition, and any precomp contained within and checks every text layer for proper spelling."

Another new script on AE Scripts is Chameleon from Mathias Möhl. Chameleon lets you work with color themes from Adobe kuler in 3 ways:
  • "Load color themes in After Effects either from color themes downloaded at the kuler website or via cut and paste from the kuler desktop application
  • Apply any loaded color theme to your comp with just one click
  • Dynamically link any color property within your comp to a color theme color. Once you load a new color theme, all linked color properties in your comp update accordingly."
Note: the tutorial for this script is on AE Ttuts, Making Your Color Scheme a Whole Lot Kuler!

Update: See the previous AEP post Palettes and Reusing Colors on his blog. Also, Mathias reminds us:

"If you work with kuler, the following tools might also be useful for you. The script Swatch you want from Jeff Almasol allows to load a single ase file in After Effects and Maltaannon has published an AE project file that allows to import color themes from Kuler desktop to After Effects. Both approaches are more lightweight and basic than Chameleon since they just allows you to pick the colors from the loaded theme manually."

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