October 16, 2009

AE filters coming: Holomatrix & Optical Flares

It's not fresh news but both Aharon Rabinowitz and Andrew Kramer are close to releases of new After Effects filters. Holomatrix is a new set of tools designed by Rabinowitz and AE scripting guru Dan Ebberts, to be published by Red Giant Software. The plug-in creates "the look of holographic imagery, digital signage, bad TV signals, and ghostly apparitions."

Meanwhile, Andrew Kramer unveiled some features of the forthcoming AE filter Optical Flares in the most recent Video Copilot VP6 "podcast." The new filter will challenge the ancient but widely-used Knoll Light Factory (seemingly on life support at Red Giant). The humorously disjointed communique also showed a "Fight Enhancement Tip" in AE (paint in a punch impact) and parts of an upcoming bar graph tutorial.

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