August 28, 2009

Scene Re-Lighting: Normality tutorial [updated]

Last month, Stephan Minning posted a multi-part tutorial on the new version of his donationware AE filter Normality 3, and a few weeks ago Maltaannon issued his own filter and tutorial for 3D pass texture replacements as noted in Youveelizer filter for UV mapping in After Effects.

Now, using a normal map with Normality, Video Copilot covers a lot of ground showing you how to use After Effects lights for possible relighting and reflection/refraction effects in a new tutorial (with project) Scene Re-Lighting.

A simple demonstration of how you can create your own maps is Normal Map Photography by Ryan Clark.

Update: Video Copilot explicates resources mentioned here and beyond in the useful Guide to Normals. Also see How to Bake a Flawless Normal Map in 3ds Max at CGTuts.

Update 2: for something not completely different see How to use UV Passes in 2D by Kert Gartner.

How to use UV Passes in 2D from Kert Gartner on Vimeo.

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