July 12, 2009

Photoshop nuggets

John Nack has some cool re-Tweeted tips for PS, AI, etc. The zoomed-in rezoom is pretty fun:

  • Photoshop tip: Cmd-click the New Layer button to create layer behind current one. [Via Cristen Gillespie.]
  • Photoshop CS4 tip: While zoomed in, hold down H while clicking anywhere. Move the square elsewhere & release. Kapow! [Via @gpenston]
  • "Does CS4 strip lens metadata like CS3?" No. Save for Web now gives you choices. Select "All" to preserve lens data.
Also good for Photoshop tips is Julieanne Kost who has near daily quick tips and a large collection of video tutorials. Lately the Crop Tool Canvas reSize has been helpful.

Of course if there's time one might consult Russell Brown's very seriously professional tips and Deke McClelland, for example his The Essential Approach to Masking at Scott Kelby's "Guest Blog Wednesday."

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