July 24, 2009

5 Free Apps to create Motion Graphics

Satya Meka posted 5 Free/Open Source Apps to create Mind Blowing Motion Graphics to his gutsblow blog:

"there are many other applications that are professionally used and they produce mind blowing visuals. Some of them, might not be as easy to use as regular applications like After Effects/Motion, but there are many resources to get started. With the help of these applications, you can produce really unique and robust visuals. Along with the details of the Applications, I also included some of the famous works done by various artists using them."

Here's the first five; details and movies are at gutsblow:

1. Processing (like a fusion of AE and Flash)
2. Quartz Composer (more ease of use from Apple)
3. VVVV (realtime video synthesis for Windows, similar to Quartz Composer)
4. eMotion (force-based physics simulations)
5. Nodebox (similar to Processing but based on Python)

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