June 2, 2009

XScriptorium tests revised site

Not long after the launching of the new website, After Effects Expressions Reference or AEER, XScriptorium is testing a revised interface at http://v2.xscriptorium.com. XScriptorium is an AE scripting resource launched in August 2008; the old site and the beta site are mirrored but both in play.

The new site will have a leaner feature set, except for expanding submission options. A Twitter account at http://twitter.com/xscriptorium will serve as another channel for feedback.

Both After Effects Expressions Reference and the XScriptorium attempt to organize the wealth of resources found at AE Enhancers (the main expression & scripting forum for AE) and a bevy of other websites mentioned in AEP roundup Expressions & Scripting Resources for After Effects.

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