May 9, 2009

Pixel-Perfect Camera Move Transitions

Greyscale Gorilla answers "a question asking how to fly a camera around in After Effects and land on full frame video. To make these moves land on pixel-perfect, full-frame video can be tricky. This technique should help keep your camera moves and transitions accurate and ready for a perfect edit."

GG commenter Galen Frazer says VideoCopilot's Sure Target preset (with tutorial) "allows you to set up multiple targets and easily keyframe in between them. Also allows for shake/easing/auto rotate as well. BUT… it won’t give you the 'pixel perfect' move shown here without tweaking anchor points, etc."


  1. This is geil!
    Danke for that simple and very helpful tutorial!

  2. It's from Greyscale Gorilla; link is above!

  3. Thanks for sharing this tut!
    Very helpful :)

  4. Thanks!! You´re the Gorilla!!
