May 29, 2009

After Effects 9.0.2: RED support and lotsa bug fixes

The After Effects 9.0.2 update was released today. See Todd Kopriva's post After Effects 9.0.2 update: RED (R3D) support and a lot of bug fixes for the down-low. Not sure if "lotsa" is better than "ekcetera."

Also, via Todd Kopriva, version 1.7 of the REDCODE importer plug-in was released.

Updates were supposed to have been released for Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder, but not everyone is seeing them quite yet in Adobe Updater. Be sure to stop by Stephen Muratore's Adobe Premiere Pro Training for many details of the Premiere update. And of course the previously mentioned Dave Helmley Video on Premiere 4.1 and After Effects 9.02 Updates is a good way to get up to speed fast. Helmley also has a jumble of news on the update on his blog.

Update: Dave Helmsley has a new video called DAVTechTable - Editing with RED 1.7 Technical Overview. It's mostly Premiere but it has some stuff on AE.

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