April 16, 2009

Jedi Mind Trick: Add a Console Log to AE

Everyone suffers from Jedi Mind Tricks by our favorite apps. Here's a video tip (from Premiere Pro User Group's Blip.tv) on how you can add a Console Log to see what After Effects is doing under the hood (put an empty text file called After Effects Log.txt in your preference folder, a tab will appear in AE when next launched):

Beyond curiosity, the Console Log may help in troubleshooting -- which was noted earlier by Jonas Hummelstrand at the end of his Troubleshooting After Effects (all versions). And Lutz Albrecht has already investigated many of the possible errors and provides a 30-page list of After Effects error codes with possible solutions in his Mylenium Error Code Database. Some of the entries reflect tech notes at Adobe, but it's nice to have the errors listed in one place.

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