April 8, 2009

Particle > Form > SHIFT.chroma

Last week was particle-heavy, see Particles + Orientation in Trapcode Particular, and there's more this week.

Youssef Sarhan explains a bit how he used Trapcode Form in After Effects to create SHIFT.chroma (via), which seems to riff off Maltaannon's House of Form. There's no rule that you'd have to use Form's particles -- but it might be harder going for the same look without it. There some more cool Form videos recently linked on the Trapcode Gallery. Here's Youssef's video, which is HD at Vimeo:

Other nice random but unparticle inspiration can be seen at Feed (What’s Happening/Now) and Motionographer (Steel Life). And click below to see a better view of some different kind of particles from India's Festival of Colors:

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