April 11, 2009

Inspiration via Digup & Motionographer F5

A thread on the AE-list on a liquidy animation, Voll Damm Jazz, led to Motionographer's Dvein and Alex Trochut: Voll Damm Jazz. It turns out that Barcelona studio DVEIN will create the opening titles for the Motionographer 'F5' conference April 16 - 17 in New York City -- and present the titles, vision, and process at a special session.

Motionographer also noted that "the brilliant new video-based design review site Digup.tv will be attending F5." On their blog Digup they say they're "an independent editorial project. It's a video documented review on digital design, accessible to non-specialists. Digup is lead by [CELLULES] a team of French interaction designers and documentary makers." Open just a month, Digup plans to release new interviews every 3 weeks and an in-depth investigation every 3 months. They also have a Vimeo channel and a Hello World trailer:

Update: the DVEIN F5 titles are up.

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