March 3, 2009

Mocha shape & mocha AE v2

Imagineer Systems announced two new products, mocha for After Effects version 2, and a new plug-in, mocha shape for After Effects. Mocha for After Effects v2 adds:
  • Exports any resolution, per point variable edge width roto shape data in the mocha shape format;
  • Allows users to export tracking data as After Effects CornerPin with motion blur;
  • Is compatible with Adobe After Effects CS3 and CS4.
For visual ingestion, they have quick intro videos for mocha shape and mocha AE v2.

Update: Ben Heusner of Curious Turtle details the workflow for removing an actor in After Effects with roto and mocha shape plug-ins for After Effects.

Tutorial: Advanced workflow: tracking and roto for fter Effects on Vimeo.

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